Saturday, May 19, 2012


We are the Vegan Vagabonds (Tessa, Evelyn and Lynne) who originally met online to share each others' adventure RV'ing travels.  In the last several months, we've also discovered something else we share -- a desire to improve our health by adopting a plant-based diet.  In other words, we've gone vegan!

Truthfully, the "vegan" label is still rather difficult for any of us to embrace.  Vegans are supposed to be those radical hippies who live on a commune and don't shave their armpits, aren't they? Well, we certainly are NOT that!  We're just normal suburban women looking to improve our health and our family's health.  As a bonus, it's also kinda nice to know that our dietary changes are making the planet just a little bit healthier too.

The three of us are at very different stages of our lives (from our 40's to our 60's), our vegan experience (Lynne is the recent newbie), have different home environments (single, married couple, and large family), and we're even spread out geographically as well (from Texas, Colorado, and Illinois).  We hope this provides a diversity of viewpoints to show that no matter what your age, living situation, location, or diet/medical goals might be, that a plant-based diet can be successfully achieved!   If we can do it, you certainly can too!

In the next few posts, we'll introduce ourselves individually and tell you our stories.  After that, we hope to use this blog to share helpful information and recipes, and provide candid reviews of things that have (and have not) worked for each of us.

We also have started a Facebook page to provide shorter, more-frequent updates, tips, and general support to each other.  Please feel free to click the "Like" button and join us there for the discussion!

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